An Import permit is required to bring an animal with you to the Turks and Caicos Islands.
When you arrive in the Turks and Caicos Islands, you must have
An Import Permit from the Department of Agriculture: If you need an import permit, complete the Application To Import Cats And Dogs. If this is a first-time entry to the Turks and Caicos Islands for your pet, you are required to apply for a Single-Entry Permit. Complete Sections A, C, D (13-17), F and G of the application form. Email the completed form to the Department of Agriculture at It takes 48 hours to process an Import Permit upon receipt of your application, provided that you have met all the import requirements.
- An International Health Certificate. International Health Certificate(IHC) must be endorsed by the Competent Authority of the exporting country before entry into the TCI. Please note that the sanitary conditions of the IHC varies based on the Rabies Status of the Country of export, recognized by the Department of Agriculture.
All supporting documents (all vaccination records, microchip records, Rabies titer test, blood results and spay/neuter certificate) along with the International Health Certificate and Import Permit Application.
Advance information or changes of your date and time of arrival must be communicated to the Department of Agriculture at at least 48 hours before entry into TCI.
All animals must be inspected at the Port of Entry.
Prohibited and Restricted Animals
Exotic animals e.g. Primates are not allowed into the TCI
The following breeds (including crosses) of dog are not allowed to be imported into the Turks and Caicos Islands: Dogo Argentino; American Pit Bull Terrier; American Staffordshire Terrier; American Bull Dog; Japanese Tosa; Perro de Presa, Canario (Canary dog); and Fila Brasiliero.
The following breeds (and crosses) are restricted from being imported in the Turks and Caicos Islands:
Appenzeller; Aryan, Molossus; Bandog; Beauceron; Belgian Mastiff; Bull Mastiff; Danish Broholmer; Dogue de Bordeaux; Great Swiss Mountain Dog; Korean Jindo; Kuvaszonberger; Moscow Watchdog; Neapolitan Mastiff; Perro de Presa Mallorquin; Rottweiler; Boerboel; and the Tibetan Mastiff.
Please contact the Department of Agriculture at 1 649 338 5269 or via email at: if you are attempting to import a dog on the restricted list.
Failure to Comply
In accordance with the Animal Health Ordinance, failure to comply with the requirements will result in fines, immediate refusal of entry or euthanasia of the animals.
Fruits and Vegetables
The rules on bringing fruits and vegetables, depend on the country you’re bringing them from or the quantity of fruits and vegetables you are bringing with you.
If you are bringing 25 lbs or less of fruit and vegetables, you must declare the fruits and vegetables to Customs. A Plant Protection Officer will inspect your items on arrival.
If you are bringing more than 25 lbs of fruits and vegetables, you must have
- an import permit. Complete the Application to Import Regulated Articles and return it to the Department via email at
- a Phytosanitary Certificate
All plants and plant products including the fruits and vegetables to be imported must be free of plant pests, invasive alien species and diseases.
Meat and Meat Products
If you are bringing 100 pounds or more of meat, an import permit issued by the Department of Agriculture is required.
- An application form must be completed in English and must be legible.
- A sanitary export permit from the Competent Sanitary Authority must accompany consignments.
- It takes 48 hours to process an Import Permit upon receipt of your application, provided that you have met all the import requirements.
An Import Permit can only be issued if all the above documents are received.
Failure to Comply
Failure to meet the import requirements can result, in refusal of entry and confiscated and destroyed.
If you still have questions about whether a particular plant or plant products (fruits, vegetables, plant parts, seeds, soil, or souvenirs made from wood or plants) can be brought into the Turks and Caicos Islands, please contact the Department of Agriculture at 1 649 338 5269 or via email at